The company

The Orthopaedic Hospital Vienna-Speising is a company in Vinzenz Gruppe , a private group of Austrian hospitals. The hospital is a public, non-profit establishment. We are open to all patients, regardless of their cultural heritage or religion.

Our tradition is that we are a Christian hospital. The Orthopaedic Hospital Vienna-Speising was founded 100 years ago as a hospital associated with a religious order; Sisters still work in our hospital today. As a Christian organisation, devotion, appreciation, communication and empathy are of particular importance to us. The patient is always our key focus, with all of his needs, difficulties and problems.

Numbers, data, facts

Speising Orthopaedic Hospital houses 280 beds and treats 17,000 inpatients each year. 37,000 people attend our outpatient clinic per annum.

General contact:

Phone: +43 1 801 82 0
Fax: +43 1 801 82 1487